The tsunami of police denigration: A still relevant response from the 2018 archives.
I wrote this in 2018 in response to criticism of 'racist' police made during a BBC programme concerning Stephen Lawrence and the Macpherson report. It is as relevant today as the police service faces a tsunami of orchestrated negativity from a hostile media.
It was a summer’s
Sunday evening in West London when the driver of police vehicle, X-ray Sierra
43, was forced to stop by virtue of a crowd spilling out into the road from a
travelling funfair situated just off the Ruislip Road in Northolt. The two
officers entered the funfair and were met by angry fairground workers who told
them that gangs of local skinheads had descended on the funfair and attacked
Asian families who had travelled up from Southall.
Sikh men carrying
their babies suffered the indignity of having their turbans knocked off and
Sikh women were sobbing with fear having suffered dreadful racial abuse.
The next morning
the same group of officers were back on duty having moved from a late to an
early shift. The Chief Inspector in charge of operations was surprised to
receive a deputation of young officers expressing their concern at this and
other incidents involving gangs of skinhead youths attacking Asian and black
individuals and families.
The Chief
Inspector listened and it was agreed that the officers return in the evening to
conduct patrols in the affected areas and to crack down on the youths
Was this the
enlightened times of 2018, with racism the top of the agenda of senior police
officers? No, this was 1979, well before
the pre-Macpherson enquiry days. This was the generation of officers that were
to be later branded as part of an organisation that was institutionally racist
and by implication, were racist themselves.
I was in my
probation and one of the two officers in that police panda. I was disgusted at
what had occurred and was one of the deputation. We were only too well aware
that the right-wing British Movement were violently active in areas outside the
town centre of Southall, in the then predominately white areas of the once infamous
Golf Links estate and the estates of Northolt.
That night and in
the months ahead those of us posted to this specific patrol, were all over the
skinheads like a rash. There were no constraints on stop and search in those
days and we made full use of it in the weeks and months ahead. Our hours were
from 6pm in the evening until the early hours and we would spend whatever time
was necessary supporting Asian and black families who had suffered at the hands
of these youths in terms of assaults, broken windows and damaged cars.
We would also
discreetly follow individuals returning from work late at night, in order to
ensure that they got home safely.
Corrupt, racist Neanderthals?
Last week’s BBC
series that chronicled the events regarding the murder of Stephen Lawrence,
once again resurrected the image of police officers back in the 70’s, 80’s and
90’s as being almost entirely composed of corrupt, racist, Neanderthals. Indeed,
comments during the programme and in the aftermath appeared to suggest that for
many little had changed.
Now, make no
mistake there is no doubt that corruption and racism in the Met and other
forces existed during this period and indeed it would be foolish and naïve to
suggest that it doesn’t exist today.
Back then we all
heard via the Met’s ‘rumour mill’ of squads that contained corrupt officers and
after the Stephen Lawrence tragedy, one whisper that flew around the Met was
that several local detectives in Eltham knew the local criminals via the local
masonic lodge!!!
Watching the
programme piece together the events of that period made absorbing viewing. One
fact that was missing, was the tremendous sympathy there was in police service
for Neville and Stephen Lawrence and the total loathing of the thugs
responsible once they had been identified.
A totally botched investigation.
There can be no
doubt that the initial scene management and investigation was botched almost
beyond belief. Yet was this unique to Stephen’s murder? Less than two years
later I was on the periphery of another murder investigation that left much to
be desired.
Having said that,
most murders around that time were solved and lessons learnt from Stephen’s
death contributed to the fact that up until recently, Met police murder squads
had a 90% success rate. This may fall due to the current spate of murders,
cutbacks and pressures on the Met.
Yet, to anyone
unaware of the background of this case, it surely would have seemed that the
Met desperately attempted to retrieve the situation after a disastrous
beginning. Just over two weeks elapsed before the suspects were arrested but
sadly the initial investigation meant that vital evidence had gone missing.
It was during
this ‘catch-up’ period that the Met managed to covertly film the thugs in a
flat indulging in racist behaviour which included demonstrating how they would
stab victims. This footage was to prove crucial in the final trial of two of
those responsible.
Bill Mellish, who
essentially took over the investigation, clearly found favour with the family
and the Met seemed to cooperate with the family’s brave but failed attempt to
bring about a private prosecution. There is no question that, despite the
failure, progress made was due to the determination of the Lawrence’s and
despite the outcome, provided the impetus for further investigations.
Then along came
the legendary Clive Driscoll, the archetypal, incorruptible, dogged detective
who with the assistance of his team and forensic specialists managed to secure
the convictions of two of the thugs David Norris and Gary Dobson in 2012. His subsequent
treatment by the Met’s hierarchy, who refused to let him stay on beyond
retirement age and continue with the investigation, is baffling.
Despite the efforts
of the above-mentioned officers, the emphasis of much of the programme revolved
around Met police racism. In order to bolster this view, shocking extracts
filmed in 2003 by an undercover reporter of racist trainee police officers, not
from the Met, were inserted just to impress upon viewers that the police
service is racist.
I can clearly
recall that programme being aired and I can equally recall the anger and
disgust shown by colleagues at the time towards those individuals plus
bewilderment that they had somehow cleared vetting processes.
Just to emphasise
the point still further, film was shown from the 1980’s, of the Police
Federation Chairman Les Curtis saying that the officers shouldn’t be
disciplined for using the ‘N’ word. I suspect there was a collective ‘rolling
of eyes’ in disbelief from those in the police community watching.
In addition to
the actual murder of Stephen and the final trial, the publication of the
Macpherson report and its aftermath was a major focal point of the series.
Both Jack Straw
and Theresa May again took the opportunity in the programme to ‘express’ their
views on policing and footage was shown of Jack Straw launching a blistering post-report,
attack on police in the Commons. His definition of ‘institutional racism’ was
as follows:
The ‘collective
failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service
to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin.’
Thus, although
the term institutionally racist, refers to the organisation, there is little
doubt that this was interpreted by many as police are racist full stop.
Institutionally racist? Justified or not?
Yet was the
verdict of ‘institutionally racist’ justified? Does the evidence stack up?
In fact, there
was much work going on in the Met and indeed still is, that mitigates against
the label of being ‘institutionally racist.’
In 1984, the
Golden temple in Amritsar was stormed by the Indian army in an attempt to crush
the Sikh movement for independence. Many lives were lost and the campaign
across the Punjab to crush Sikh resistance, led to allegations of state
sponsored murder. This resulted to the assassination of Indira Gandhi by her
Sikh bodyguard which in turn resulted in attacks on Sikhs across India.
This set off a
chain of events in the UK with assassinations taking place of Sikhs regarded as
traitors and non-Sikhs who were deemed to be close to the Indian government.
The response by the Met and other affected forces including West Midlands, involved
local police, MI5, Special Branch and the anti-terrorist squad. Extensive links
were established throughout the Sikh communities in order to keep the violence
in check.
The links saw a
close relationship develop between these communities and police and plots were
frustrated as a result. One now retired Special Branch officer, who prefers to
remain anonymous, received an MBE for his work and the gratitude of many from
all sections of the Asian community.
Police and the arrival of the ‘Yardies.’
As the eighties
progressed, other parts of London were seeing increased street violence due the
arrival, through lax border controls, of Jamaican criminals known in that
country as ‘yardies.’ This violence primarily blighted and terrified the law-abiding
black community.
Rival gangs
clashed on the streets and shootings became ever more common to the
consternation of local police officers who in fact took action to protect
shocked communities.
In South London,
Operation Dalehouse under Detective Superintendent John Jones curbed the level
of shootings and made a number of significant arrests.
In North-West
London, Operation Druid was similarly effective and again a number of arrests
were made that reduced the level of violence.
This was
occurring when I was working at Heathrow and whilst there were no direct flights
from Jamaica, criminal elements did arrive via the USA. I met officers from
Dalehouse and their total commitment to reducing violence amongst the
communities of south London remains with me.
Amazingly, the
powers that be at Scotland Yard decided to close Operation Dalehouse to the
fury of John Jones and his team. It was replaced with some form of crack unit
and attempts to use ‘yardie’ informants proved disastrous. Druid also withered
on the vine and if the finger of institutional racism is to be pointed, it is
in the direction of those at the top of the Yard, who, rumour has it, felt
Dalehouse was getting ‘too big for its boots.’
Sikh Muslim tensions test the Met.
As the private
prosecution of the thugs who murdered Stephen Lawrence was taking place,
another policing challenge was presenting itself in West London. A small
scuffle on a Friday between a Sikh and a Muslim youth at a west London college
was to have ramifications that were to last for four years.
On the Monday,
outside the college, around 200 Islamists staged a protest. This group were to
become notorious in years to come due to their links with Islamic State. They
swarmed across the grassed area and began to attack Sikh students.
Fortunately, my
community links meant I was forewarned over the weekend and two carriers of TSG
officers, parked in a side road, quickly intervened. That night however, there
was significant disorder in Southall as Muslim premises were attacked.
Problems quickly
spread to Hounslow and Slough thus causing great concern that historical enmities
would create serious rifts within the Asian community across the country and
potentially serious disorder with literally blood on the streets.
Of particular
concern were major religious events such as Vaisakhi and Eid, funfairs,
together with the very well-attended ‘bhangra’ concerts. Fortunately, the three
senior officers from the main affected areas, quickly met, listened to what
officers had to say and evolved a strategy. This included forming a joint team
of Met and Thames Valley police ‘spotters’ from each division who quickly
became invaluable.
Frequent meetings
held with community leaders prevented polarisation of communities and
outstanding policing at religious festivals and other events kept 100’s of
rival youths apart. The ‘spotters’ quickly got to know the main protagonists and
despite some inevitable disorder, no-one was seriously injured and more
importantly no-one was killed which would have been disastrous.
The efforts of
the ‘institutionally racist’ police were recognised by all the communities as
the troubles had eased by 1999; the year when the Macpherson report lambasted
the Met for being……… institutionally racist.
Twelve years
later, shortly after retirement in 2011, even though I had moved on to pastures
new, I was presented with a ceremonial sword at the UK’s biggest Sikh Temple. Other
officers also received awards and commendations.
Operation Trident turns the tide.
By the time the
Macpherson report was published, matters were going from bad to worse on the
streets of London and other major cities as rival gangs engaged in violent
battles for control of the drugs trade.
The black
community, including its activists, were demanding action and in 1998,
Operation Trident was established with its remit being gun and drugs crime in
the black community. Initially it was an intelligence gathering operation but
in 2000 it was relaunched as a fully operational unit. Its brief was to arrest
and disrupt the activities of the gunmen whose violent gangs were pouring
cocaine on the streets.
A scoping
operation at Heathrow involving Trident and customs officers saw 40 cocaine
couriers arriving on one flight from Jamaica, most recruited from the
poverty-stricken garrison areas of Kingston.
Operation Trident began to gain the confidence of the black community assisted
by an Independent Advisory Group (IAG). Its officers displayed empathy and
understanding while the unit were fortunate in having a succession of
outstanding senior officers. Information poured in from the black community and
officers acted. The wall of silence, once again, according to Cressida Dick, a
problem for the Met, was broken down. The tactic was to use the Al Capone
strategy of disruption. If criminals couldn’t be arrested for firearms offences
then they would be arrested for other crimes.
The Trident
murder squads and shooting teams were extremely successful while ‘yardie’
criminals were arrested, sentenced and on their release from prison, if not
resident in the UK, returned to Jamaica or other country of origin.
In Jamaica, in
partnership with the Jamaican government, Operation Airbridge was launched
whereby UK customs officers and Met officers worked with Jamaican police to
detect couriers before they boarded flights to the UK.
As one of the
police officers involved, it became clear as the operation evolved, that
Trident had become a ‘trusted brand’ throughout Jamaica. Everyone had heard of
it and Trident lanyards were much in demand by Jamaican police officers. Even
talking to UK criminals making their ‘business’ trips across the Atlantic, it
became clear that Trident was hugely respected.
Of course, the
trust Trident officers engendered with their empathy, fairness, and skills
reflected well on the rest of the Met yet it seems the maxim of ‘if it’s not
broken why mend it’ as with Dalehouse, surfaced again within the Met hierarchy.
Initially Trident
took on shootings involving other communities under the banner of Operation
Trafalgar. Not initially an issue but it proved the thin end of the wedge.
Changes in
management and doubtless directed from above saw Trident became less concerned
about the black community and more concerned about ‘guns off the streets’
statistics which of course is in itself a worthy aim. Trident and Trafalgar
were combined and disrupting individuals and gangs by other means however took
a back-seat as did its close relationship with the black community.
The shooting of
Mark Duggan in what was a Trident operation put a dent in a relationship that
wasn’t what it was in any event.
The Trident
murder squads became victims of their own success in that they had fewer to
investigate and were scrapped to howls of outrage from community activists.
They could, of course, have been retained and deputed to also deal with knife
murders. Homicide teams maintained the high level of success but it was ‘brand
Trident’ that the black community wanted in their midst.
The Trident IAG
had become increasingly critical following the death of Duggan but their
termination; arriving at Scotland Yard for a meeting and finding themselves
‘locked out’ was crass beyond belief.
Trident had, by
then been tasked with dealing with gang related stabbings; in itself a
reasonable decision but Trident had lost its lustre and this again drew
criticism from the black community. The Trident logo that was such a powerful
symbol for both police and the black community still exists but does not
resonate in the way it once did. The unit still does great work in terms of
detection of offenders and prevention amongst young people.
With its hundreds
of committed officers and staff, it was one of the Met’s great success stories
and indeed could be again, especially as Met Commissioner, Cressida Dick,
played such an important part in those achievements.
The Airbridge Charitable Foundation
UK customs and
Met police officers deployed to Jamaica from 2002, were genuinely shocked by
the plight of those who resided in the ‘garrison’ (ghetto) areas of Kingston.
The result was a greater understanding as to why the impoverished cocaine
‘swallower’ couriers at that time were prepared to risk imprisonment and death
in order to get the £1,000 or so pounds which would alleviate their desperate
circumstances and those of their children.
The result was
the Airbridge Charitable Foundation which, through a remarkable Jamaica based Irish
lady Moira Morgan, ensured that some of the poorest Jamaican children,
including those of imprisoned couriers, were able to remain in education.
The remarkable Moira Morgan
attended by hundreds of police, customs and immigration at airport hotels
raised thousands while money recovered in Trident drugs operations was, at the
direction of judges, passed to the foundation.
Christmas Stocking saw Custom House at Heathrow creaking under the weight of festive
shoeboxes donated by customs, police and immigration officers working at
Heathrow. These were distributed to the delighted children of Kingston 11 by
British High Commission staff under the direction of Moira Morgan and with the
blessing of the local drug dons and Jamaican police.
Alas, it was a
one-off as the bill for shipping out the shoe boxes along with the diplomatic
baggage was prohibitive.
Here to help and pointing fingers.
There will be
those who will state that the above are carefully selected examples and
shouldn’t mask the racist attitudes of Met officers. No-one can deny that many
of the recommendations made by Macpherson are worthy of merit and have considerably
improved policing, but it should be remembered that even back in the 80’s at
the time of the riots, stations such as Brixton still received, either directly
or via the 999 system, dozens of call for help during the course of a single
day; help which was willingly and ably given.
For serving
police officers, the overwhelming majority of whom were not even serving at the
time of Stephen’s death, it must be frustrating to have the finger of blame
pointed at them for not just the issues surrounding that tragic event, but for
other controversial, historic, policing incidents such as the riots mentioned
above, Hillsborough or Orgreave. Cynics may say that at least the battle of
Cable Street is not on the list…..well not yet anyway.
For many of us who
served during the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, it feels as if the ‘you must have been
racist’ finger is being pointed every time Stephen is featured prominently in
the news.
It could have
been pure coincidence that Theresa May, in the midst of the Windrush debacle,
decided to announce Stephen Lawrence Memorial Day which, regardless of its
merits, will ensure that the ‘racist finger’ is pointed at retired and more
importantly serving officers at least once a year. Police commentator, Peter
Kirkham, summed up the announcement thus:
Institutionally racist now or ever?
There seems to be
considerable agreement that the huge reduction in stop and search following
criticism by David Cameron, Theresa May together with leftist political activists,
has largely been responsible for a dramatic increase in gun and knife crime.
As the shackles
on police stop and search were eased, front line officers in London and
elsewhere have done their best with depleted resources making numerous arrests
and taking hundreds of knives off the streets by means of stop and search and ‘sweeps.’
They are, these days, often first on the scene of stabbings and shooting and
using improved skills, will battle to keep the victim alive until the arrival
of paramedics; as has been widely acknowledged that victim is all too
frequently black. Take this quote featured in the Evening Standard from a
witness to a recent murder:
Little wonder
that there was dismay towards the end of the BBC trilogy when Duwayne Brooks, Stephen
Lawrence’s friend who was present at his death, when commenting on the current knife
crime explosion stated that the police did not ‘have the will to tackle it.’
The recent
statement by the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu clearly implies that
police are still racist and totally ignores the ongoing carnage on the streets
of London and Birmingham where most of the tragic victims and indeed
perpetrators are from the BAME communities. In other parts of the country, such
as Merseyside, which are also seeing an escalation in violent crime, the
victims and suspects are predominately white. The common denominator in these
gang ridden areas is the poor socio-economic conditions in which violent crime flourishes.
The cancer of
violence is, however, spreading across the country like an unstoppable virus
affecting all communities.
Dr Sentamu and
others accuse the police of stereotyping; it could be argued that perhaps he and
others should not stereotype police officers.
Arguably most
disappointing of all was the statement given by Doreen Lawrence during an
interview by BBC London News. When asked by the presenter “Do you think the
police take a crime less seriously if the victim is black?” She replied, “I
would say yes. “
Those officers
pumping on the chests of stabbed or shot black kids may disagree. The attitude
of officers is perhaps best summed up thus in this tweeted response to Doreen
Lawrence’s comment:
Also, when responding to calls, police don't ask what race is the
victim? Oh, hang on, it's a black kid, let's take our time. When someone is
hurt, no matter the race, the officers rush there like their house is on fire,
to save life and limb.
Doreen Lawrence
perhaps was harking back to Stephen’s case or perhaps had forgotten the efforts
of Trident officers over the years when effectively dealing with the explosion
of violence and death that the black community had to contend with thus saving
Whatever views
are held in respect of the Macpherson report and the BBC’s Stephen Lawrence
trilogy, one fact is crystal clear; the racist thugs responsible for Stephen’s
brutal murder would never had been named and two imprisoned, without the sheer determination
of Neville and Doreen Lawrence and for that no praise is too high.
The challenge now
is to halt the murder of others thereby eliminating the sheer overwhelming and
lasting grief, as experienced by the Lawrence family, which goes with each
In the meantime,
Britain’s fractured blue line will continue; with diminishing resources, to
apply sticking plasters over gaping wounds caused by successive inept
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